SOS 2025 Program Grants

What are program grants?

Program grants provide Somerville artists with support to produce complementary public events that will take place during or leading up to the annual SOS weekend. Applicants will be expected to have the means to plan and manage the event with funding and in-kind support provided by Somerville Open Studios. In-kind support could include marketing or similar help required to make the event a success. In addition, proposals must meet the following criteria:

  • Events must have a visual arts component.
  • Events must be free and open to the public. 
  • Events must support Somerville Open Studios’ core mission of educating the public about art-making in Somerville and in making the arts more accessible to the community at large.
  • Events must be open to all SOS member artists that meet certain requirements, for example all artists working in a particular medium. Consistent with the spirit of the Somerville Open Studios event, selecting participants by jury will not be allowed.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be SOS member artists. Per Somerville Open Studios membership guidelines, participants must be practicing artists either residing or working in the city of Somerville. 

How do I apply?

Those wishing to apply must submit a written proposal to the SOS Board that includes the following information:

  • What the event is and how it will support the mission of SOS.
  • Who will take ownership for planning and management of the event with a summary of their qualifications.
  • A rough plan and timeline describing what needs to happen to make this event a reality.
  • A budget that includes estimates of expected expenses and any additional sources of revenue or funding that can be used to supplement monies received through this grant. Somerville Open Studios does not guarantee that the full cost of your event will be covered, and therefore having additional sources of funding may be important.
  • A description of any non-financial support that may be needed from Somerville Open Studios (e.g. marketing, logistics, participant registration, etc).
  • Plans for recruiting participants (if applicable).
  • A primary contact person for additional questions that might arise during review.

Completed proposals should be sent to . 

Timeline and other guidelines

To qualify for an SOS program grant for 2025, applications must be received by February 15, 2025. Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of their acceptance by March 1, 2025.

If approved, the SOS Board will establish a set amount of funds to support the event. Event producers may apply for reimbursement for approved expenses up to the approved amount. In certain cases (i.e. for space rental) it might make sense for Somerville Open Studios to pay vendors directly. Any such needs should be identified as part of the initial proposal.

The event producers must abide by co-branding requirements and other communications guidelines as established by the SOS Board. The board also reserves the right to review and approve any scheduling or marketing plans to ensure that there are no conflicts or potentially confusing messaging that might detract from the primary weekend open studio event.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: