Call for Art: 2023 Volunteer Small Works Show
For all the folks who work throughout the year to make SOS a reality, this is your chance to exhibit one of your pieces in the Annual Volunteer Show. The SOS 2023 Volunteer Show will be a Small Works exhibit, where your work illustrates the idea that a piece of art may be small in scale, but compelling in impact!
The Volunteer Small Works Show will be on display at the Forge Baking Company, 626 Somerville Avenue, April 12 through May 14.
All SOS members who have volunteered within the last three years are invited to submit a piece for this exhibit. All mediums will be considered, but the dimensions may not exceed 12”x12”. This is a great way to put your small works in front of a buying public.
This is a closed call for SOS members who have volunteered in the last three years.
Applicants’ work must be available from April 4 – May 15, 2023.
Please send a JPEG of your available work you wish to show (maximum 1200 pixels in length), and the following information must be included with your submission:
1. Artist name & Contact Info (phone & e-mail)
2. Title of the piece
3. Description of Medium
4. Complete accurate dimensions (length, width, depth, not to exceed 12”12”x 2” (which are the outer dimensions, including frame)
5. Price (if not for sale, put “NFS”)
6. Weight may not exceed 6 pounds
Please submit completed application to and include “SOS Small Works Volunteer Show” in the Subject line. Submission deadline is 6 pm on March 30, 2023.
Other key dates: Work drop off: April 4th 12-2pm, or 6-8pm.
Exhibit Hanging: April 10th;
Opening Reception – April 11th, 4-5 pm.
All art must be picked up on Monday, May 15th, 6-8 pm, at Stan Eichner’s home, 32 Pearl Street.
Art MUST be hanging ready – no exceptions.