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Susan Sills

Painting and mixed media

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art by somerville artistSusanSills titledmore than ever
more than ever acrylic, enamel and ink on board 18" x 18"
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Events 2024

  • Open Studios (May 4+5, 12-6pm)
    Map# 76
    Vernon Street Studios
    20 Vernon Street #59  
    [Not reported as Accessible]
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Artist's Statement

The complex nature of our visual world can be simplified by isolating the pure elements of form, color, texture and light.  But our world is often confounded and enriched by our memories, relationships, and the images that touch us daily and fill the fleeting moments of our lives.  My work explores the intersection of these elements through painting...using house paint, photographs, wire and other materials…and can range from somber to playful as the creative process unfolds.

As a breast cancer survivor since 1997 my creative vision, that was once rooted in the physical environment, shifted towards the realm of the abstract…The architectural elements and images that were ingrained in my psyche resurfaced somewhere between the safe, structured environment of the world around us and the chaos of the textures within us all.

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