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Polins Atelier

Jason Polins

Contemporary Realist Paintings


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art by somerville artistJasonPolins titledalmost ready
almost ready Oil on LInen 18x24
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Events 2024

  • Open Studios (May 4+5, 12-6pm)
    Map# 98
    Joy Street Studios
    86 Joy Street #51  
    [Not reported as Accessible]
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Artist's Statement

Jason Polins is moved by the beauty of nature and our modern world and is interested in narrative and metaphor. Polins' work searches for a way to express an emotion, experience, a moment, or an event. By seeking out the truth in nature, he explores his most authentic self. As it turns out, that results in being a rather silly person. Polins' work is traditional at first glance because he uses realist techniques from centuries past. However, the work's subject matter ultimately interjects the technique's seriousness with humor, dissolving any lingering tension from such a controlled and skilled hand. The artist himself is continuously discovering new meaning in his work. The work is not meant to be static; it takes time to get into it and peel back the layers to get to the truth.

Jason Polins lives and works in the Boston area. He has a BFA from Boston University and graduated from the Florence Academy of Art in Florence, Italy. He returned stateside to pursue direct studies with notable painters Nelson Shanks and Gary Hoffmann. His genres include portraiture, figure, still life, and landscape/cityscape. Polins works in pen, graphite, charcoal, and oil paint.

In addition to painting, Jason Polins also teaches art classes in oil painting, drawing in his studio atelier.

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