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Studio for Sculptural Arts

Jocelyn Kasow

glass sculpture, oil paintings

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art by somerville artistJocelynKasow titledSelf portrait after Derain
Self portrait after Derain oil paint 8x10
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Events 2024

  • Open Studios (May 4+5, 12-6pm)
    Map# 66
    Studio for Sculptural Arts at SOMERNOVA
    24R Dane Street
    Accessible Location Accessible (self reported)
Directions (google maps) >>

Artist's Statement

I work in interactions and connections, how shapes and angles react to each other, how each color reacts to the next, and how these interactions produce a compelling composition. Each element of a piece is a reaction to the others. I started as a painter -first figurative, then abstract. Now I use the concepts internalized in that study to create abstract sculptures with glass, using traditional stained glass techniques in a decidedly non-traditional manner. Light circulates through and around glass, and reflects off of the metal solder, adding another compositional and interactive element and engaging the viewer more deeply. This produces evocative sculptures  where the viewer first appreciates the whole, and can then go deeper to see the interplay of art, craft, and engineering. 


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